Summer Heat info from Robyn Graboski of Centre Wildlife Care:
- Do not leave pets tied outside, especially in the sun. They can get heat stroke. I have seen it in pets many times...just being outside or in the sun.
Provide water to your pets and the outside wildlife at all times. I am putting bowls and pans of water out and everything is coming in to drink.
If you find someone else's pet is in distress, like in a car, Call 911 so the police can respond.
Robyn is getting wild animals that are very dehydrated and weak from the drought. If you do find a wild animal that needs help, please put it in a box (if possible) and call Centre Wildlife Care - State College Area 814.692.0004. You can also take animal to the Animal Medical Hospital on N. Atherton during regular business hours. Please don't give animal anything to eat or drink. The animal needs medical attention ASAP. Giving food and water when an animal is compromised can cause serious problems. If you find a person that is hit by a car or seriously ill, you don't take them out to eat or give them a drink, you take them to the hospital. Dehydrated animals need IV fluids. Oral fluids in a very dehydrated animal can cause problems.
Bird Frostbite info from Robyn Graboski of Centre Wildlife Care:
With our extreme cold some birds (ducks, grebes & doves) have been experiencing frostbite. Usually these birds tolerate the cold well. However, with these extreme cold temps, if they are compromised at all (Grebes were grounded for example), they get frozen to the ground quickly. If you see any birds (or any other animals) that need help, try to get it in a box and out of the cold quickly. Be careful when gathering up any animal not to get hurt. You can scoop an animal into a box using a broom. Let Robyn know if you need any help or have any questions. If Robyn is not available, one of her volunteers will be carrying her pager.CWC: 814.692.0004 Pager: 814.278.5586
Barn Owls help control rodent populations on farms. Read the PA Game Commission's Barn Owl Conservation Initiative to help in their conservation and potential recovery of this species. The initiative's goal is to compile existing information on barn owl locations, including nest sites and incidental occurrences, as well as document new sites and sightings. If you have Barn owls or are interested in constructing barn owl nest boxes please contact the PA Game Commission. Scroll down linked page to find appropriate person to contact in your area.The Game Commission will place the nesting box in suitable habitat to help protect the owls from predation by cats or other creatures.
Please view Bats page.
Living with Black Bears - PA Game Commission PDF on bear facts, camping and hiking in bear country, what to do if you meet a bear,etc.
To contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission select your county on web link map to find phone number for your regional office.
Pine Siskins
Information from Dan Brauning PA Game Commission 3.5.09:
"The Game Commission has received a number of reports (southern Bedford County) during the past few days regarding mortality of Pine Siskins (and maybe other species) at bird feeders. From our Wildlife Veterinarian:
"Though they were very autolized they had classic lesions of Salmonella infection, and indeed the bacterial cultures indicate Type E Salmonella."
It is likely that siskins are naïve to this illness, which will result in disproportionate mortality in them, while others may also be affected.
This message is intended to alert PA birders of this possibility, but more importantly, provide some recommendations on what to do in case you encounter a die-off.
Symptoms: "An infected bird is listless and lethargic, tends to stay close to feeders, fails to respond to danger and can be approached closely. The crop of an infected bird is often distended with ulcerous
growths. These show up as swelling of the crop, and can make the bird look puffed up, or be mistaken for a full crop. Many have diarrhea." (RSPB web site).
WHAT TO DO if you have infected birds?: Discontinue feeding. Clean up the feeders and feeding station with a bleach solution. Wait a week before feeding again.
Larger-scale mortalities (more than 5 birds at time) should be reported and possibly sent for diagnosis, as there is the possibility of other causes. You may call the Game Commission regional offices; select your county. Or, google "PADLS" for instructions on submitting specimens.
Note, this is also a human pathogen and the elderly and immune-compromised are at particular risk to acquire this potentially fatal infection. While I don't believe this Salmonella has anything to do with that found
in peanuts, it is still a serious illness to birds and potentially to you -- so take precautions.
In the mean time, enjoy the amazing siskin invasion this year.
Dan Brauning
PA Game Commission"
Salmonellosis - Ch. 9 of National Wildlife Health Center's Field Manual.
From Robyn Graboski, Centre Wildlife Care, 4.7.09 If you find 5 or more dead or dying birds please contact the PA Game Commission (scroll down link to find your county contact).
Tadpoles in Trouble
U of Pitt research shows that low concentrations of common insecticide (malathion) can dessimate tadpole populations up the foodchain. Research published in 1 Oct 2008 issue of Ecological Applications. News Release 14 Oct 2008 by Center for North American Herpetology:
Tadpoles in Trouble 10.14.pdf
Waterfowl Rescue - Duck Rescue Network 6 page PDF handout. Information provided by Carolina Waterfowl Rescue and Duck Rescue Network.
If you have a question about hunting or wildlife law, or wish to report an incident concerning wildlife, please contact the regional office of the PA Game Commission that serves your county. At link, click on your county then scroll page for contact info.
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