
Garden Hotline

Page history last edited by Gardener 14 years, 4 months ago

During the growing season, trained Penn State Cooperative Extension Master Gardener volunteers will answer your questions and teach garden techniques that will improve your home environment.  Each question is answered with research based information which is stated on the phone as well as mailed to you as a resource for you to use. Note: You may be asked to bring a specimen to the office. See below for questions we may ask.


 Call or visit the following Extension offices or check here for your county office.


  • Columbia County - Mondays 1 - 4:30, Wednesdays 9-12:00, Thursdays 9-11:00. 

       Call: 784-6660 ext 18. 702  Sawmill Road, Suite 102, Bloomsburg. Directions


  • Snyder & Union Counties - Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 - 4 PM  

          Call or Email: 570.966.8194 or  343 Chestnut St. Suite 3 Mifflinburg Directions 

        Emails may be sent 24/7: unionext@psu.edu 

          Please put "Garden Hotline" as the Subject.

          Include the nature of your problem. Be as specific as possible:

          Is there a problem in one section of your plant? 

          What have you done so far? How long have you noticed the problem?

          If you have a digital photo of the problem please include it.


Questions we may ask:

1. Is the plant near sidewalks or driveways where de-icing salt is used?

2. Is there plant injury or soil compaction from equipment?

3. Has the plant been fertilized recently? Application rate, lbs/sq ft.? What kind?

4. Have pesticides been used? What type? When? How applied (spray, dust to soil, etc)?

5. Has the soil been tested in the last year? Results?

6. Is the plant watered regularly? Method (sprinkler, hose, watering can)?

7. Is the pest visible or just the damage?

8. Are mulches used around the plant? Natural or synthetic? How thick? How close to trunk?

9. Has the plant been pruned recently?

10. Has the plant cycled through periods of decline and rebound or steady decline? 


The mission of the Penn State MG volunteer program is to support the Penn State Cooperative Extension by utilizing research-based information to educate the public on best practices in consumer horticulture and environmental stewardship.


Resource categories are listed under Navigator in right-hand column of each website page as well as here.

Much of the  material at these links have been used to answer Garden Hotline questions.

These resources are continuously updated. For a full page view click the arrow  ►  in upper right corner.

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