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Saved by Gardener
on April 13, 2012 at 10:21:38 am

Getting Started

The purpose of this website is to provide one place to find useful information on many aspects of life in Central PA with an emphasis on native plant landscaping and other measures to promote a healthy planet. The information is provided as a resource with no implied endorsements. This is an all-volunteer service. Sources for more information are provided throughout the website. Updates are frequently added so check back often.


The Garden Hotline section serves as a resource for Master Gardeners to utilize in answering gardening questions. If you are a Master Gardener please scroll down to the Calling All Master Gardeners heading below. This website was originally started by a Master Gardener to help share gardening resources. The website has expanded to cover many aspects of living in Central PA.


Helpful site navigation hints:

Use the Search box in upper right corner then use Control F keys to find words on page. There are over 50 pages on this website.

For a full page view click the arrow  ►  in upper right corner. This will hide the right-hand column which includes the SideBar links to other pages.


Gardening Classes

Contact your Penn State Extension county office to find programs offered by area Master Gardeners.


Click here for free online gardening related courses.


Penn State University Master Gardener Program

"The mission of the Penn State Master Gardener volunteer program is to support the Penn State Extension by utilizing research-based information to educate the public on best practices in consumer horticulture and environmental stewardship."


The Master Gardener Program is offered yearly in our area. Participants receive 30+ hours of extensive training in many phases of gardening. The course fee includes a detailed Master Gardener notebook. 50 hours of volunteer time is required in one year prior to earning the title of Master Gardener. Participants dedicate volunteer time to teaching horticultural information based on university research and recommendations. Training and volunteer service are coordinated at the county level by extension educators or trained volunteers. Interested home gardeners can apply through their local county extension office. Master Gardener graduates may audit any class without charge.

e-data site for Master Gardeners to report volunteer hours.


Garden Hotline

Do you have questions about vegetable gardens, herb gardens, landscaping, propagation, insects, weeds, native plants, composting, water conservation, wildlife habitat, fruit trees and berries, pruning trees and shrubs, pesticides, plant diseases, and many more...then ask a Master Gardener. Click here to find out how.


Calling all Master Gardeners...

If you would like to add  pages to this website, please click on request access on the right-hand side of any page where it states: To join this workspace request access. This will prompt you to enter your email address. The website administrator will grant access once your status as a Master Gardener is confirmed with your county coordinator so please include that contact information as well. Wikis are easy to use. Detailed instructions are provided at the links in the SideBar in lower right-hand column of any page of this website. If you have any questions please leave a comment at the bottom of any page for the website administrator.


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